My Hunger...

My Hunger...

A hunger is described by the Google dictionary as "having a strong desire and craving for something". And I'm starving... But I'm not talking about food, I have this pestering, insatiable, gluttonous hunger to learn. It's what makes me a hardworking and determined computer science student with an eager hunger for knowledge and hands on learning, while always ensuring that I have fun.

Learning includes school work and my own personal endeavours, like how I've recently learned how to juggle :) It's just an undeniable urge and I think Socrates explains it best.

"The only thing that I know, is that I know nothing" - Socrates.

Things I have learned

Check out some of the things I have had fun learning from :)

The International Project 2022

In early 2022, a select few students, myself included got invited to work on an international project with students from Penn State University, and this would act as our 3rd year project. We were tasked to build a hydroponics farm with an automonous vehicle that harvests the plants and replants new ones, without human input. This was a really fun experience and I learned a lot, but it was quite challenging to say the least.


I was in highschool from 2015 to 2019 at Bryanston High School. This is where my insatiable passion to learn as much as I can over the span of my lifetime came from :)